...the antidote is to take a few risks...

“First hand experience is perhaps the most important foundation stone in discovering who you really are, and what you might become. Without huge dollops of it, encouraged and nurtured, but rarely directed, we can never become more than the sum of other peoples lives, experienced at second hand…the antidote is to take a few risks, and let the mud squidge through your toes from time to time.”(Tim Smit)

Sunday 1 March 2009

Exploring creative responses to music

This project aims to provide the children with the time, space, resources and autonomy to lead their own creative learning. After listening to a selected piece of music the children will be given the freedom to explore and record their responses as they see fit. These explorations and creations will be shared amongst their peers with the children evaluating and explaining why they choose to record their responses in the way they did.

Why are these outcomes important to the collective or individual. (ecology.)

“I want to explore how the children will respond to this different learning setting. How the children will use their imaginative responses and how such responses will vary. As a practitioner it gives me the chance to look at how I can change and adapt my provision in this unique context.” (Laura)

“This project will give the children a unique and stimulating opportunity to be truly creative and lead their own learning. Furthermore it will also challenge the comfort zones of us adults, taking out of the equation our directing roles and looking at the effects of a more nurturing response. This project will further develop flexibility within the team and timetable to accommodate equally creative peer to peer research space” (Dan)

Project leader: Laura Smith.

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