...the antidote is to take a few risks...

“First hand experience is perhaps the most important foundation stone in discovering who you really are, and what you might become. Without huge dollops of it, encouraged and nurtured, but rarely directed, we can never become more than the sum of other peoples lives, experienced at second hand…the antidote is to take a few risks, and let the mud squidge through your toes from time to time.”(Tim Smit)

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

draft one: 3rd millenium learning. Gearies Infants.

draft.wmv Watch on Posterous



back to the park...the vue tube.

Travelling back in time to solve essential mathematical codes...and also to get really muddy.

Community learning events provided by Discover, building a model of the "Rusty Bridge", Westfield, Stratford.

Community learning events provided by Discover, building a model of the "Rusty Bridge", Westfield, Stratford.

Travelling back in time to solve essential mathematical codes...and also to get really muddy.

With cold weather on its way....

Making Ice Mobiles with my Nan on PhotoPeach

muddytoes's posterous