...the antidote is to take a few risks...

“First hand experience is perhaps the most important foundation stone in discovering who you really are, and what you might become. Without huge dollops of it, encouraged and nurtured, but rarely directed, we can never become more than the sum of other peoples lives, experienced at second hand…the antidote is to take a few risks, and let the mud squidge through your toes from time to time.”(Tim Smit)

Monday, 16 August 2010

Tracks from the Gearies Archive of Sound. Previews 2.

Tracks from the Gearies Archive of Sound. Previews 2.

Tracks from the Gearies Archive of Sound. Previews.

Children Co Constructing their own Learning: Fireball XL5

In this project I shared with the children my love of the theme tune to Fireball XL5, we watched an episode, learn the song and then the children were given the rest of the day to construct their own projects. The children created some wonderful pieces of learning ranging from the construction of a rocket and accompanying five sets of space suits to stimulate creative role play, two enlarged maps of the universe, one poem inspired by the song, one percussion composition to accompany the songs lyrics, three space stations created from Lego and a collection of space themed story comics and accompanying puppets. Really great to see what the children can create by themselves when us interfering adults stop hindering their creativity.

Posted via email from creativevoice's posterous

Messages in Bottles: Images captured during the project. Part 4

Messages in Bottles: Images captured during the project. Part 3

Messages in Bottles: Images captured during the project. Part 2

With cold weather on its way....

Making Ice Mobiles with my Nan on PhotoPeach

muddytoes's posterous