...the antidote is to take a few risks...

“First hand experience is perhaps the most important foundation stone in discovering who you really are, and what you might become. Without huge dollops of it, encouraged and nurtured, but rarely directed, we can never become more than the sum of other peoples lives, experienced at second hand…the antidote is to take a few risks, and let the mud squidge through your toes from time to time.”(Tim Smit)

Monday, 1 June 2009

Reading Identity

It is intended that this learning focus would impact directly on the attitudes towards reading of an identified group of children. The impact desired is that of a more motivated, connected and positive reading identity derived through their engagement with their pupil voice. If this is achieved, then it is also intended that this learning focus further allows us as a collective senior management team to review the implications of embracing childhood culture and pupil voice, looking into very real ways in which voice and culture can both be heard, seen and embraced within the curriculum and within school life.
If the utilising of childhood culture and pupil voice does impact upon childhood literacy identity, and ultimately attainment, then, it would also be an expectation of this focus that from this one study, as a collective we review the provision we offer our children with a critical focus on opportunities for voice and culture to be engaged in each learning experience.
This learning focus should impact on our learning environment with a significant emergence of childhood and media culture text appearing in literacy sessions, home corners, and book corners. Also it would be positive to see the emergence of reading clubs/buddy group, and inside/out of classroom reading areas with children who have strong maintained reading identities sharing their experiences with those who are just developing their own.
These two occurrences should happen as a result of the identified children engaging in their pupil voice and identity.
A more engaged pupil voice should lead to a more powerful identity, an identity supported and enriched by created learning experiences that are uniquely responsive to individual students should lead to a strengthen reading identity, a strengthen reading identity should lead to a raise in attainment.

With cold weather on its way....

Making Ice Mobiles with my Nan on PhotoPeach

muddytoes's posterous